Unlock the Secrets of Health and Nutrition

Experience transformative learning with our first innovative online course, developed and delivered by leading Registered Dietitian, Orla Walsh.

  • Hear the evidence: In an age where there is so much misleading information shared online, peddled by fake gurus, this course provides you with an opportunity to finally listen to the science from a qualified expert and leader in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

  • Obtain a detailed knowledge base: To be inspired to make change, you must first understand. This motivates a person and helps sustain change. These are steps vital for transformation. This course is for anyone wishing to truly grasp the essentials of healthy eating. 

  • Learn for you or to share with others: Whether you're an individual looking to improve your own health, or the health of others e.g.  a personal trainer, teacher, coach, educator or a parent, then this course is for you. 

Most people have no idea how good they are designed to feel, but you will.

  • Learn about the essential components of a healthy diet - hydration, fats, carbohydrates, protein, fruit & veg;

  • Clear approach, ideas & example meal plans to support you in building a healthy diet and lifestyle;

  • 4+ hours of video content;

  • Evidence based, jargon-free;

  • Detailed 60+ page course e-book.

*** BONUSAs Orla is a Registered Dietitian in Ireland, depending on your policy, you may be able to submit your invoice to claim from your health insurer. ***

Why Enroll In This Course?

  • Trust an Expert

    There is nobody better placed than a CORU Registered Dietitian to provide nutritional education

  • Evidence-Based Learning

    My content is grounded in the latest scientific research, providing you with reliable and up-to-date information

  • Jargon-Free Mythbusting

    I always keep things simple and debunk many of the health and nutrition myths we can be subjected to regularly

  • Lifetime Access Anywhere

    Revisit your courses anytime, anywhere, from mobile, tablet or desktop. I believe in learning at your own pace.

  • Health Insurance

    As I am a CORU Registered Dietitian in Ireland, depending on your policy, you may allowed to claim from your health insurer.

  • Varied Learning Styles

    My courses are built in such a way to facilitate different learning styles. You can watch, listen and read to learn

Course Curriculum

In each module of this course, Orla delves deep into the critical aspects of the key areas of nutrition.

  1. Course E-Book

  2. Introduction

  3. Positive Nutrition

  4. Calories

  5. Hydration

  6. Protein

The Essentials of Healthy Eating

  • €149,00
  • 11 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content
  • 60+ page course e-book included

About Orla

Orla Walsh

Registered Dietitian

Orla Walsh is a Registered Dietitian, and the founder of Orla Walsh Nutrition. Orla is passionate about health, science, food, exercise and everything to do with the great outdoors. Having initially graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a BA in Physiology, Orla subsequently continued to quench her thirst for knowledge by following that up with a PgDip in Dietetics, an MSc in Clinical Nutrition, a PgDip in Sports & Exercise Nutrition and an MA in Physiology. Orla is the former Head Performance Dietitian with Athletics Ireland and consultant to the Irish Institute of Sport where she worked with many athletes in the build up to the Rio Olympics. She has written for the Irish Independent since 2016 and is a regular contributor to other national media outlets across print, TV and radio. Alongside this, she also runs active social media accounts on Instagram (@orlawalshnutrition), Facebook (@orlawalshnutrition) and Twitter (@orlacwalsh), she writes for her blog on orlawalshnutrition.ie and provides countless recipes for people to learn from.

Invest in yourself and OWN your health

Say goodbye to diet culture and hello to nourishing yourself for better health.